Learn to Play Hockey classes provide children the opportunity to learn the basics of skating and hockey from USA Hockey-trained instructors in a fun-to-learn, relaxed, noncompetitive atmosphere.
This program is broken into eight weekly sessions that includes 60 minutes of on-ice instruction. Upon completion of the classes, players are ready to join the Valley Youth Hockey Association house league program and enjoy playing with children of similar age and ability.
Learn the basic skills required to play ice hockey.
Develop an understanding of basic teamwork through participation in a variety of activities and adapted game situations.
To create and refine basic motor patterns required to play ice hockey.
To introduce the concepts of cooperation, fair play, and sportsmanship in a fun environment.
LTP players must have current 2024-2025 USA Hockey Membership in order to register for the LTP Hockey program. Go to membership.usahockey.com and click on 'register now'. Once you have completed the registration process you will be e-mailed a confirmation page with a 14 digit confirmation number. This is the number you will use to enroll your child in the Learn to Play Hockey program.
USA Hockey Membership fee is valid through August 31, 2025.
All participants will receive a hockey jersey at the start of their first session of Learn to Play.
LTP participants are required to have the following equipment when participating in LTP activities:
NECK GUARD - Required as of April 2022
Hockey Helmet with cage
Shoulder Pads
Elbow Pads
Hockey Gloves
Hockey Pants
Shin Guards
Hockey Stick
Hockey Skates
Athletic Protective Cup & Garter
Assistant coaches are needed. Do not worry about having to skate like Sidney Crosby or shoot like Alex Ovechkin. If you enjoy working with children, we would love to have you on the ice - its fun!!!
We supply you with the "what, when and how" to teach - you supply the enthusiasm and a lending hand. Please note all parents wishing to help out on the ice must wear a USA Hockey HECC certified hockey helmet.
Level 1 coaching seminars are available through USA Hockey. For more information on registering for these seminars please go to the USA Hockey website, usahockey.com.
If you are interested in becoming an assistant coach for LTP, please contact Misty Amos, Director of VYHA Learn To Program.